my new shopping rule

ok so in my hopes of trying to justify shopping for new clothes i decided to look up on how often should we discard clothes (to be able to make space or have a reason to get new ones!). sometimes when we clean out our closet we decide to keep our "favorite" clothing in the hopes that there will be a reason to wear them again or that we would slim down and they'd fit again. that rarely happens though because everytime we go to the mall we just buy new ones and sometimes completely forget the old ones we "favorited", rediscover them again on our next spring cleaning. i couldnt find any article that sets an exact timeline for clothes so im going to set one for myself.

SHELF LIFE: 1-2 years (ok probably 3 years if they still fit perfectly).
PURCHASE DATE: write down the purchase date on the fabric.
SHOPPING FREQUENCY: 1 article per month except when there is an occasion


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