last sunday i got 2 sms from unknown numbers saying that bpi needed to confirm validity of facebook transactions.
i thought it was a hoax so i ignored the first sms. when i received the 2nd one however my curiosity got the better of me so i replied. after a few hours a bpi agent called me asking if i lost my credit card or if i recently used it to transact on facebook. i replied to every question honestly (still with doubt that this might be some scam) until it came to the point where he asked for the last 4 digits of my credit card. i hanged up the phone LOL and called their hotline instead to confirm if there were indeed some facebook transactions made using my account.sadly 2 facebook transactions totalling to less than php800 went thru before they blocked it and deemed all facebook transactions as fraudulent. they immediately blocked my credit card and said that they would replace it with a new account number. i had to file a dispute form though to make the whole complaint valid.
im thankful to the bpi credit card fraud department for being able to detect the hacked transactions asap and also for allerting me about the whole situation. my apologies for having doubted their sms and call LOL. you can never be too sure nowadays, better safe than sorry.
btw, i got my replacement card today yipeeee! no shopping for me though, need to control my spending hehehe. soon... soon...
on another note but still connected with this one-
i remember i did transact on facebook sometime last year and used my credit card details for buying some gold/coin for a game called war commander. (i personally know of 2 people who got hacked also from using their bpi credit cards to buy gems on clash of clans so beware!)